Per Deadline, Hulu has ordered a pilot for the Prison Break reboot from Mayans M.C. co-creator Elgin James. Plot details...
Prison Break is returning with a new series on Hulu. With new creatives at the wheel, what's about to go down? We have ideas.
Hulu has given a pilot order to a Prison Break reboot from Elgin James, the co-creator of Mayans M.C. and The Outlaws. The ...
FOX Image Collection via Getty Images Prison Break is on the cusp of a new chapter. Hulu has ordered a pilot for a new ...
Hulu has ordered a pilot for the "Prison Break" follow-on series, with "Mayans M.C." co-creator Elgin James attached to write ...
Hulu has given a pilot order for Elgin James' (Mayans M.C.) spinoff series that's reportedly set in the same universe as ...
The new 'Prison Break' comes from Elgin James, the creator of 'Mayans M.C.' and 'The Outlaws,' and will feature a brand-new ...
A pilot has been ordered for a reboot of 'Prison Break,' expected to take place in the same universe as the original. Here's ...
A new chapter of the series Prison Break is heading toward becoming a reality at Hulu with a pilot pickup order. Mayans M.C.
Elgin James helms Prison Break reboot for Hulu, reimagining the series within its universe without original characters ...
Prison Break is officially making a comeback. Sixteen years after the Fox crime drama’s initial end and seven years after its ...
EXCLUSIVE: A new chapter of Prison Break has taken a major step towards becoming a reality at Hulu with a pilot pickup for ...