This column shows us how love is a real minefield. From the height of my venerable age – if God consents, in 6 months I will ...
To make Android increasingly secure and hacker-proof, Google is trying to intensify its security systems, and has recently ...
Vermouth is experiencing its rebirth, a second life that has redeemed it from the dust it had covered itself with. And this ...
I started reading this book in pdf then, while I was delving into the effects of screens on our bodies (and also on our minds ...
Inconsistency. The behavior of the scientific elite when it comes to evaluating the choices of the right and the left could ...
This is an exceptional discovery, which will undoubtedly be able to revolutionize our lives within a short time from the ...
Too easy to cut Syria with a knife, dividing the parties involved between supporters of the “bloody Assad” And “rebels” who ...
Instagram is renewed once again and a series of new features dedicated specifically to broadcast channels and designed to ...
The robots are getting closer and closer. Not only thanks to Elon Musk’s prototypes. Clone Robotics has opened pre-orders for ...
New episode in the legal battle between the company that owns the platform TikTok and the US federal government. A ...
Between voice or written messages, emojis, videos, photos or animated gifs, the ways to communicate with your contacts on ...
Yesterday we showed you the video of Carlo Calendar and the appeal to Elly Schlein who, on the Stellantis case, is keeping ...