Find out how Black Bag ends and get Michael Fassbender's take on the choices made by his character, especially when it comes ...
Womb isn’t yet another sci-fi spectacle about cloning gone wrong. It’s an introspective look into the effects of grief, ...
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with "spy." If you guessed "spy thrillers" then congratulations, you win! Now ...
When March 17th rolls around, you better be wearing green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Well, at least if you don't want to ...
From landmark indies to star-studded blockbusters, Steven Soderbergh has restlessly forged an eclectic body of work.
He does so while abandoning the campiness of David Lynch's version, making the movies appear dark and plausible. The finished ...
We can all agree that Christopher Nolan’s next feature, The Odyssey, is one of the most highly anticipated films of 2026, not ...
O nce an actor reaches that fateful podium where they get to give an acceptance speech for an Oscar win, every step towards ...
With Mickey 17 struggling at the box office, all eyes are on Robert Pattinson as fans wonder how Hollywood’s golden boy will ...
The director of Matt Damon's $136 million medical thriller explains why it doesn't have a philosophical yet, five years after ...
Christopher Nolan’s next feature, The Odyssey, is filming in Morocco and while the filmmaker prefers to keep everything under ...
Some new set photos from Christopher Nolan's adaptation of The Odyssey give us our first look at Tom Holland's character.