Experts have slammed potential plans to allow the sale of plug-in hybrid cars and other vehicles after the deadline to ...
Mid Sussex MP Alison Bennett has told the Government to listen to residents who don’t want the expansion of London Gatwick to ...
A decision on Gatwick's expansion - which would mean 100,000 extra flights a year at the airport - has been delayed until ...
March is brimming with the excitement of spring, plus some fun holidays & interesting facts. Can you amaze your friends with your March trivia knowledge?
London Gatwick’s plans to upgrade its northern taxiway to become the airport’s second runway have received conditional ...
Plans for a second runway at Gatwick Airport have been put on hold, but it may not be long until they're approved. | ITV National News ...
Documents published to coincide with Transport Secretary Heidi Alexander's statement reveal that, three months ago, the Planning Inspectorate rejected Gatwick's proposal on the grounds of noise, ...