Rafael Louzan has claimed that they are aiming for ‘maximum transparency’ and ‘complete openness’ when it comes to reform for ...
Real Madrid have confirmed to the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) that they will be in attendance at the committee ...
In what is Rafael Louzán's first institutional act with a regional president since his election as head of the RFEF last December, the Real Casa de Correos in Madrid hosted a fruitful working meeting ...
Accompanied by the president of the Royal Aragonese Football Federation, Manuel Torralba and the secretary general of the RFEF, Álvaro de Miguel, Rafael Louzán held his first meeting with the mayoress ...
La présence du Real Madrid dans cette commission marque un tournant après des semaines de conflit ouvert avec la RFEF et le Comité Technique des Arbitres (CTA). Le club madrilène, qui avait vivement ...
Recently elected RFEF president Rafael Louzan attended the game in Valencia and has spoken about a new era of openness and inclusivity. But, for many of those within women’s football in Spain ...
This was the first step in the ‘structural changes’ promised by RFEF President Rafael Louzan the previous week. Real Madrid did stand for that committee, but received just four votes compared to the ...
Le président de la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (FRMF), Fouzi Lekjaa, a reçu, ce mardi 18 février, Rafael Louzán, président de la Fédération Royale Espagnole de Football (RFEF ...
La rencontre entre le FC Barcelone et Osasuna, programmée samedi à 21h00, a été annulée au dernier moment après la mort dans ...
President Florentino Pérez has called for reform of the refereeing system, and RFEF president Rafael Louzan has even claimed that Pérez told him he'd like to see English referees in Spain.