Shinichiro Watanabe, the legendary anime director, has worked on various projects, almost all of which have gone on to ...
Fans of Shinichiro Watanabe's anime have speculated for years that Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and his other works are ...
The anime community's response to Shinichiro Watanabe’s bizarre statement has been a mix of bewilderment, amusement, and ...
Shinichiro Watanabe recently revealed that when he approached Chad Stahelski for Lazarus, he had no hopes for the director to ...
It turns out that John Wick filmmaker Chad Stahelski is a massive fan of Watanabe's legendary work, particularly Cowboy Bebop ...
The creator of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo working with the director of the John Wick series is the dream pairing anime ...
Shinichirō Watanabe’s latest sci-fi project is a grim and stylish reflection on whether humanity has doomed itself.
Shinichiro Watanabe is a legend among anime directors, and in a recent interview, he revealed his new series, Lazarus, ...
Watanabe: No. That was a joke. (chuckles) I've always held his John Wick film series in high regard. I watch them all the time. It's not just how realistic his action looks, but how modern it ...