Die Arktis zählt zu den am stärksten vom Klimawandel betroffenen Regionen. Die Temperatur ist hier in den letzten Jahrzehnten ...
Low- and middle-income countries should develop expertise in building AI systems Scientists should avoid over-reliance on AI Ethical code needed to ...
Forschungsteam der Universität Tübingen verkürzt die Suche nach Angreifern, die multire-sistente Krankheitserreger vernichten ...
A new partnership between Aston University student Gurkarnpreet “Karan” Singh and local entrepreneur Abdirahim Yasin Haji is changing the way people ...
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development has officially endorsed the COST Innovators Grant ...
Für die Entdeckung eines Fundaments unserer Immunabwehr werden die Ärztin Andrea Ablasser, der Virologe Glen Barber und der Biochemiker Zhijian J.
In recognition of their discovery of one of our immune system’s foundations, physician Andrea Ablasser, virologist Glen Barber and biochemist Zhijian ...
Filipino researchers have found a way to optimize the traditional procedure for making Philippine rice wine or “tapuy” to produce a potential ...
Have you ever left a bottle of liquid in the freezer, only to find it cracked or shattered? To save you from tedious freezer ...
Les chercheurs de l'Empa du laboratoire « nanotech@surfaces » ont reproduit expérimentalement un autre modèle théorique ...
Empa-Forschende des «nanotech@surfaces»-Labors haben ein weiteres fundamentales theoretisches Modell aus der Quantenphysik ...
Empa researchers from the nanotech@surfaces laboratory have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model ...