Unlike most licensed titles Knight Rider is actually pretty decent. Unfortunately it lacks the polish that makes a game great ...
Prison City is the 16-bit Power Blade we never received and is a fantastic retro throwback. This is the best $10 I have spent ...
Strider 2 is a great game that only suffers from its brevity. But you will have a hell of a time while it lasts.
Side Arms Special justifies its moniker as a fully featured package. Two great games for the price of one is an excellent ...
Light gun games were few and far between on the NES. Even though the NES Zapper came packaged with the system support was minimal. This is surprising as there were no shortage of light gun games in ...
After the Alien vs Predator comics from Dark Horse I suppose it was only a matter of time before further versus battles would occur. Robocop vs. the Terminator makes so much sense you wonder why it ...
It has been interesting exploring the PC Engine shooter library. While the Star Soldier games received the lion’s share of attention its lineup is far more varied than that. Surprisingly it might have ...
The Death of Superman was a one two punch of events alongside Knightfall that rocketed DC Comics to the top of the sales charts in the early 90s. This was long before the internet so you could still ...
Toaplan were one of the most prolific and revered shooter developers of all time. Their catalog is long, storied, and influential. One need only look at the large number of developers that arose when ...