Sign up for our free newsletter and start your day with in-depth reporting on the latest topics in education. In the last ...
Teachers report thinking that if girls do better in math than boys, it is probably because of their innate ability and effort ...
In my district, classes relieve educators' stress, ease behavior & disciplinary issues, and get kids and local seniors to ...
She once voiced a desire to cut racial achievement gaps and said private school was for those who could 'afford it.' She’s ...
Advocates ready their plans for a new administration they believe will be friendly to vouchers, charters and other schooling ...
Evolv Technology claimed its school security scanners harnessed artificial intelligence to detect “all the guns, all the ...
Bosman: The share of engineering bachelor’s degrees awarded to Black students has barely budged over the past decade.
Based on annual performance report scores released Monday for the sixth iteration of the Missouri School Improvement Program, ...
Due to factors like grade inflation, parents put more stock in communication with teachers to gauge kids’ performance, a ...
Charter schools have been in Michigan for nearly 30 years – the state was among the first in the nation to pass laws allowing ...
Paris: The vast majority of parents believe in America's public schools and want to work with their children's teachers to ...