The groundbreaking faith-based series The Chosen is once again defying conventional TV norms with its theatrical launch ...
"The Chosen" Season 5 will be released in theaters in 2025. Discover the official release date for the next season and watch ...
The Chosen Season 5 teaser trailer for the hit biblical drama has finally been released, teasing the significant Last Supper ...
"The Chosen" gets a pre-Easter theatrical release date for Season 5 before making its streaming debut. Here's a first look at ...
You are leading the way for so many other nations as to what it means to be a culture that puts God above everything else.’ ...
The story of Jesus might be one of the most famous stories in the world — but by focusing on telling the story "through the ...
Season 5 of “The Chosen,” showing the days leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, will be the “most intense and heaviest” yet, ...
Jesus’ despondency in the teaser marks a stark contrast to those rejoicing with palm leaves in the air. When 'The Chosen' Jesus metgiant serpent Satan: Jonathan Roumie dishes on 16-foot python ...