Homily for Sunday in the Octave of the Assumption ... the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, Because you chose Bernadette in her lowliness, because you are the morning star, the gate of heaven ...
This land witnessed his preaching and miracles, his death and resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, the sacrament of a reconciled and renewed humanity. As I pondered ...
Leahy, S.J., will celebrate the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit on September 10 at noon in the Upper Church of St. Ignatius. Haub Vice President for Mission and Ministry Jack Butler, S.J., will ...
This venture of the yet infant bride of God constitutes the beginning of her betrothal to the Holy Spirit, and therefore, in a certain sense, the first pledge of all mankind’s betrothal to the ...
We believe in the teaching of Christ! We accept the all-holy teaching of Christ with all our love! In order to follow Him carefully, let us look at what it means to worship God the Father in Spirit ...
“The Word of God is alive: through the centuries it walks with us and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, it is at work in history,” Pope Francis said during his homily. “The Lord is always ...
I remember how my Mama always told me to rely on God, and not on myself, and to always call on the Holy Spirit. And so, it is that, before I begin my homily or sharing, I always pray ...
Christians are in the season of Eastertide, the time between Easter and Pentecost. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. And, we will celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of ...
The Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH) was filled with joy as 24 young individuals received the sacrament of Confirmation.