Buried in Texas House Bill 2 are a few measures that could help get more certified teachers into Texas classrooms.
A new report from Humble ISD shows the board spent almost $2 million in legal fees to litigate Title IX complaints and ...
“Having everything in just one language is an equity issue,” said Claudia Treviño García, associate professor of instruction ...
Andy Hopper, R-Decatur, filed the bill – HB 2657 – that would transfer the powers of the Texas Education Agency and its commissioner (currently Mike Morath) to the State Board of Education ...
As Liberty Hill Independent School District (ISD) prepares to transition to a majority four-day school week next academic year, Texas Education Agency Commissio ...
After a lot of speculation over a potential Texas Education Agency takeover of South San Antonio ISD, it finally happened. On Wednesday, February 19, the state agency appointed new leadership ...
State Education Commissioner Mike Morath announced Wednesday the appointment of a board of managers and a new superintendent to manage South San ISD, which has been the subject of multiple state ...
Georgetown ISD administrators say they may have to make some tough decisions when it comes to the 2025-26 budget.
Teacher retention and certification were at the forefront of discussions during a Texas House committee hearing on public education. State lawmakers are grappli ...
Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath appointed a seven-member board of managers to govern the district instead. Morath also appointed former Somerset ISD Superintendent Dr. Saul Hinojosa to ...
Education Commissioner Mike Morath has spoken publicly about a $2 billion funding gulf between what the state provides for special education and what districts actually spend. But many state ...