As PetMD states, cats are carnivores, and chicken tops the list of meat they can consume. It's high in protein and offers ...
Dogs have a sense of humor. No one can tell me otherwise. This precious Dachshund loves the sound of his human sibling's giggles so much he's simply running zoomies around them like a maniac just so ...
As it turns out, people aren't the only ones who love to show off. Birds do, too! A pair of Cockatoos are having the time of their lives showing off their beautiful pastel ribbons, which you have to ...
From the time the Golden Retriever first claimed his spot as Dad of the Year with the kittens, he's been the best co-parent to Pepsi. The pup doesn't hesitate to hop right into the tub to lay with ...
Even cats, with their particular tastes, can become professional beggars. Like this spicy Orange kitty who tried some of ...
When two kittens grow up together, they tend to take on some of each other's traits. For two orange cats, Bean and Tofu, it ...
Here's the incredibly talented Double Doodle Anabel performing Taylor Swift, and you may be asking yourself what's a Double ...
The notion that cat's have nine lives came about thanks to their endless pursuit of giving int to their curiosity. In general ...
If you have ever had the pleasure of parenting a large breed dog, you know how timid they can be. Regardless of their ...
If your dog is sluggish, unmotivated, or is suddenly ignoring your training cues, make sure to schedule a vet visit to rule out pain, hearing loss, cognitive decline, or other medical conditions.
For springtime props, think Easter baskets and flowerpots that are large enough for your pet to sit in (or next to). “Props ...