Polesia - Wikipedia
Polesia, also called Polissia, Polesie, or Polesye, [a] is a natural (geographic) and historical region in Eastern Europe within the East European Plain, including the Belarus–Ukraine border region and part of eastern Poland. [2]
Polesie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Полесье) (845) – kraina geograficzna i historyczna, leżąca głównie na terytorium obecnej Białorusi i Ukrainy oraz częściowo Polski i Rosji. Stanowi południowo-zachodnią część Niżu Wschodnioeuropejskiego. Główne miasta to Brześć, Pińsk, Mozyrz, Homel i Czernihów.
Polesie is Belarus's largest manufacturer of plastic toys and household items. Polesie already works with distributors, businesses, and retail customers all over Belarus, Europe, and internationally. On a global scale, Polesie supplies customers in 50 countries worldwide.
Polésie — Wikipédia
La Polésie (en biélorusse : Палесьсе, Pales'se ; en ukrainien : Полісся, Polissia ; en russe : Полесье, Polessié ; en polonais : Polesie ; en allemand : Polesien) est une région historique d'Europe.
Polesia - Wilderness without borders | Wild Polesia
Polesia, located across the borders of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Poland, is one of Europe’s largest wilderness areas and most important wetlands. Funded by the Endangered Landscapes Programme, we work to protect its integrity and biodiversity.
Polesia - Wikiwand
Polesia, also called Polissia, Polesie, or Polesye, is a natural (geographic) and historical region in Eastern Europe within the East European Plain, including ...
Polesia - Wikiwand
Polesia, also called Polissia, Polesie, or Polesye, [lower-alpha 1] is a natural (geographic) and historical region in Eastern Europe within the bigger East European Plain, including part of eastern Poland and the Belarus–Ukraine border region. [1]
Polesia - Save Polesia
Polesia is Europe’s Amazon. This stunning region, which straddles the borders of Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia, is the continent’s greatest intact floodplain region. Despite ongoing threats from climate change, hunting, logging, and mining, huge areas of Polesia remain pristine.
Polesie National Park - Poland.pl
The Polesie National Park includes primeval swamps, the most extensive meadows in Poland and the south-westernmost touch of tundra in Europe. The park protects the area of Polesie, a land in the Lubelskie Voivodeship on Poland’s eastern border. Its unique nature is composed of wild swamps, peat bogs and numerous lakes and ponds.
Polesie | StayPoland
Polesie is a flat wild region whose inhabitants are mostly birds and animals. The whole region is divided between three countries: Belarus, Ukraine and Poland. Lying west of the Bug River, in the Lublin Voivodship, the Polish part of Polesie is characterised by extensive marshes, swamps and …